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  • Writer's pictureNina

Human Hair Eyebrow Wigs

Although I purchased these months ago, I decided to try my human hair eyebrow wigs. Yes, it's a thing and you can only get them online at this point. Before, I bought the tattoo kind, which I like better. Those look more real to me than these human hair kind. I have to do a better job with makeup coverage with these, which takes more time and effort - and I'm not good at.

This week, I'll also buy an actual wig. My insurance will pay for it. I'm used to wearing wigs on different occasions. I can see they'll come a point where I will want to wear one before my actual hair fully grows in to the point I'm comfortable with. The wig won't be a daily wear, but maybe special meetings.

My eyelashes and eyebrows were very thin before. I'm curious whether they will grow back thicker or at all. I've been two weeks without chemo. They say one to three months before I see actual growth on my head. But it's weird that I never loss all of my hair on my head, eyelashes, or arms. which they said would definitely happen. Clearly most of my head hair is gone.


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